Leaking Lights presents the new collection of songs by Motile (Francisco's musical project). The 12 songs complete For Dim Hands, an album recorded from September 2009 - December 2009 in Lisbon, Portugal.
You can download it for free from here: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=41VITA20
Listen with headphones! And if you're kind enough, your opinion on the comments would be much appreciated!!
Tracklist for For Dim Hands
1. Noli's Erosion
2. Former Crowns
3. Schist Streams
4. Ocean Stretch For Dim Hands
5. It Comes, A Need
6. Wind On a Grey Trail
7. I May Not Be
8. Inflow
9. Spine (Nomadic Poem)
10. Mimesis
11. Before Roots Are Ancient
12. Tide (The Guards)